
This blog discusses ideas, drafts and papers about the whole spectrum of systems theory and anything else that concerns the WissTec R&D Services UG.

20.8.2020 - Legal Sabotage 1:

Zersetzung 2.0:

(by Eike Scholz)

This is a first draft. It will be updated. Feedback is welcome.

This is the first post in a series of examples for the type of content, that ought be published in the legal sabotage journal. After lack of any feedback, I decided, that the focus of the journal should be less on formal methods, but more on clear analytic texts in the methodological tradition of analytic philosophy. Mathematical methods will only be used in addition, if necessary and clarifying. This methodological constraint ought exclude any postmodern gibberish and other ways of knowing partially adopted in the social sciences, that seem to have abandoned the way of searching for the truth to a worrying extent. Further, the journal is dedicated to applicable systems analysis for anyone working in security related fields. Its publications should be written accordingly.
Despite the catchy name the scope of the "Legal Sabotage" journal is the broad topic of security applications of systems theory to the social level. Since social coordination is managed by law and sabotage is one of the easiest to implement attacks, it is called legal sabotage. Legal sabotage is one of the first effects of bad laws, but the content of the journal is, as said, broader.

In this text we will discuss, how the new technologies, that emerged after the cold war can be used to perform Zersetzungs operations on unprecedented scale. As discussed in Zersetzung should not be legalized as a tool against a states own population. This will discussed in more detail in upcoming papers. As weapon against an other states, it is useful however - despite the suspicion, that Zersetzung is primarily a systematization of manipulations commonly used by persons with cluster B personality disorder to satisfy their sick needs. Even if deployed against a target person or population, it does not seem to be wise to use strategies that are likely to erode the adversaries sanity, in times of NBC weapon systems - what could go wrong? But, if it can be weaponized someone will use it as a weapon at some time point.

Further, the reader not be so naive, to think that, if he/she does not learn about this somewhat nasty topic, then he/she will be a better human. If you do not know the tricks of evil, you will be unable to counter it and easily lured into a situation that starts with harmless pranks end ends with you being blinded and/or blackmailed into assisting some psycho in satisfying his or her evil desires. And yes, evil people, who cause harm and mass murder to satisfy their desires, exist. It does not help to shy away from the word evil, because of its implied demarcation problem and unscientific connotations. The following text will be written as a set of advises in the tradition of Machiavellies "The Prince". But it should be understood, that the author dos not thinks that Zersetzung is a winning strategy, if in competition with cooperation based strategies. Seduction and persuasion usually beats coercion, among other reasons, since coercion makes malicious compliance much more likely.

It seems to be the zeitgeist, that there is nothing, that AI can not improve. Thus AI-augmented Zersetzung will be discussed first. But not only advances in information technology allow to create advanced Zersetzungs operations. Modern chemistry, medicine and psychology has its additional applications.

AI Augmented Zersetzung:

There are a lot of little helper programs that are AI based, that if properly reverse trained, provide new and exiting chills to the psychopaths in your intelligence service for terrorizing a population, and degrading the targets well being and reputation.
Many of the following tools will require some "boring" hacking of IT systems, but old school slight-of-hand tricks with tangible documents will also suffice in many cases. Reverse training support AIs for "fun" and "profit" yields the following Zersetzung 2.0 tools: To apply this tools easily hackable devices should be abundant. To get the target to adopt a kind of counter indicated technology adaption, so that abundant hackable devices are in use, the following list of non necessarily new tools for psychological manipulation can be used.

Group Psychology Exploiting Zersetzung:

There are well known psychological results about the tendency to act group conform, even if the group are just some strangers, that happen to be around you. Thus coordinated groups of "actors" together with some well "positioned" spies will allow to exploit these results for manipulations: Note that normalization usually starts with verbal normalization. This does not imply, that it is a viable counter measure to restrict freedom of speech, but it should be made sure, that speech that points out, that something is normalization can be and is heard.
Further, the above strategies all can be seen as increasing the resource "useful idiot" in the target population.

Group Acting Based Zersetzung:

One of Putin's recent advisers has a theater background. With respect to this, we will discuss the following, but much of it is old school Zersetzung. Theater/film actors, that, with some makeup, can double persons can be used to create, fake incidences, that are look authentic though surveillance systems. For this no hacking of IT system is required to archive an objective. In any case. having groups of actors, that can be coordinated using modern communication technology allows to deploy the following stratagems: Note, that a target can, as counter measure, increase detection risk as well as costs of covert group actions of the above kind by creating delays as well. The following little list of rhetoric pieces will make it even easier to implement the above actions: So far we discussed Zersetzung strategies using IT technology as well as psychology. We did not jet discuss Zersetzung using modern, chemistry, pharmacy and medicine.

Zersetzung Using Chemistry, Biology and Medicine:

The use of chemical and biological weapons is of course ostracized by the international community, but prankster level applications of chemistry and biology are sufficient for many Zersetzungs operations. Technically, some people might still see a systematic use of these methods as using biological and/or chemical weapons. However, that argument is formalistic and the common useful idiot will not understand the actual harm pranks, done for the LoLs, do - if told some plausible cover story. For example the following can be done: The above list is not meant to be complete, many other rough pranks could be envisioned. Of course, once useful idiots are "trained" to perform these "harmless" pranks, its possible to switch to something severer and if an useful idiot wants to quit, he can be blackmailed to continue: Further, instead of exploiting the willingness to perform rough pranks, you can exploit the willingness to help and try to get an useful idiot to covertly administer medicine. For example: Tell the useful idiots, that the target is ill, and too insane to be asked for consent. Further, the target will will hurt others or himself, if medication is not administered. Blackmail some physician to provide fake diagnosis and prescriptions. If it is not possible to "use" real physicians, fake physicians instead. Further, it would be possible to, worries with respect to consent, by faking custodian care allowances for someone, who then agrees on behalf of the target to the medication. The target must of course not know that, otherwise it could object and mount counter measures. In conclusion, this can be done to archive the following: The useful idiot, since an idiot will not be able to see though the fakes and might feel, that he/she is doing something good. Using naive, well meaning useful idiots, has the additional advance, that, if the idiot realizes, that he is doing massive harm, it will cause an existential crises, that can result in suicide or getting "suicided" - automatically closing lose ends. However, useful idiots with high rank, for example high ranked physicians, politicians, Judges, CEOs, engineers or scientists, are valuable assets, so prepare doubles, that can step in, in case of suicide.

Next we will discuss some objectives that can be archived using Zersetzung:

Covert Coercive Control:

In principle Zersetzung can also be used as a method of control. This is what it makes so appealing as a method for a ruler to control its own population.

If a target behaves not according to the rulers wishes perform some Zersetzungs operations until the unwanted behavior ceases to exist. Progress in psychology with respect to nudging can even be used to create wanted behavior of an individual.

For a psychopath this might seem to be the perfect system for covert dictatorship. It also activates his/her brain's reward systems - for outsmarting his targets. But it is not perfect, it is a folly. The problem with, this strategy is, has the equivalent of a "remote execution" security bug on the social level. Zersetzung is covert and the target should unable identify any operators. Thus every foreign intelligence service can use this for their operations as well, and false flag the ruler services, who, as a bonus might, lash out against his on services. Furthermore a non-compliant target, that identified the Zersetzungs operation can mount counter attacks, however this is beyond the scope of this paper.

Zersetzung as Preparation for Seizing Power:

Zersetzung as a strategy can be deployed against a target society, to reduce its general capabilities for coordination, production, progress and self defense. Thus, it can be used to weaken the target as preparation to seize power. To do this the following additional points should be kept in mind: Zersetzung for seizing power can be used with narcissists and/or psychopaths as useful idiots - for greater efficiency. Due to the workings of their brain's reward systems, you can create tools, for example smart-phone apps, of covert coercive control, that will create a psychological addiction to these tools. Then the old school mafia ways to control an addicted population can be deployed. The personality traits of these kind of useful idiots and the implied inability for sound long term planning, as well as their disregard for the well being of others, will further increase the damaging potential of this strategy. Last but not least, these kind of useful idiots are disposable, and can be used to set an example, to regain trust of the common people when seizing power.
However, that is still not the most evil end, that can be archived, if Zersetzungs methods can be applied to a target population. Consider the following:

The Covert Concentration Camp or Gulag:

I know, that it is of utmost importance for some ideologues, that Concentration camps and Gulags are not the same, but to the author they are just means of organized mass murder, trying to terrorized and/or extract as much as possible from the other "tribe" before eradicating them.
If a Zersetzungs operation is large enough it can be used to systematically eradicate a target population in the long run, by following these strategies: Usually the number of children depends on economic capabilities of the family, so that a long term eradication of a target population with Zersetung is not difficult to archive. It only requires patience and resources, as well as that the targets are unaware of being targets or unable to mount counter measures.
Further polygamy should definitely be outlawed for the target population, otherwise the most resilient males may breed to much and break the system. Since males have an XY set of chromosomes, they can preserve the female and male genetic traits of the target population. Further, due to cross over males could, mitigate the genetic eradication, by breeding with females that do not belong to the target groups. Crossover will alow the females to preserve genetic traits as well, however the males should primary targets for the reason, that one man can easily have many more children then one woman - a pregnancy takes about 9 months.
As said, this is maybe the maximally evil system implementable with tools of Zersetzung, and you might reject sufficient relevancy of genetics and/or the above mode of thinking, but look at history to know how racists, eugenicists, and other bigots thought and still think. There are reasons why these groups intuitively ostracize interracial relationships.
On the bright side: With respect to polygamy, the often discriminated against muslim populations will not be an easy target for this kind of operation. However as scholar and scientist I would advise them to go back to the rationalist traditions of Islam, that made them a leading civilization in the past.

Closing Remarks:

Due to the required scale of operations, Zersetzung requires a sufficient amount of useful idiots in the target population. However, given historical precedences, it should not be hard to acquire a sufficient amount of useful idiots. In many cases it seems to be sufficient to tell the useful idiots, that required actions are equalizing, fair and just striping someone of their unearned privileges anyway. Traditional antisemitism comes to mind as example in that regard.

The reader might think, that disclosure of this text is unethical, however you need to understand want you want to counter. Ignorance is bliss for sure and given our species technological capabilities our almost certain long term demise.

All posts of this month.